Saturday, July 26, 2014


Sometimes you have people you have to get gifts for but you don't want to spend a lot on them because you don't really care that much, but at the same time you want to get them something? Maybe not? Well, this site has a bunch of little things that are, no offence to the buyers and sellers and owners of these things, but wastes of time and space in the junk box you hide in your closet. 

A Pug Mug that has only three places to drink from. I dare you to try and drink from one of the corners, you'll get your beverage all over your chin, front, and lap $11.99 ..

Are you a parent with a child that likes the crust cut off their sandwich? Or they don't eat just because their stubborn? Turn lunchtime into a game with the sandwich that doesn't have crusts and can be put together in multiple ways with the Bites and Pieces Crust Cutter $8.95 ..

I would actually love to see this mug at one of my friends' houses. Probably wouldn't really want it sitting in my cabinet, but a silly idea all the same. Donut Mug $11.95 ..

Definitely check out this site if the stuff you see on this post is up your alley. 

                                                               ~ Cici

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