Thursday, July 24, 2014


Have you ever been to the Modern Museum of Art? Turns out, they have a store where they sell artsy things you can use in your everyday life. 

I've always really liked clocks, probably because I don't like being late, so when I saw the clock section on this site I immediately fell in love. 

This bird clock can wake you up with the traditional beeping alarm sounds, or the gentle chirping of birds. (The opposite side in this picture is where the digital clock and buttons are. )

I love the idea of this next thing. Bowls are used to keep food and things off the table and inside itself. This bowl does just that, but with less material than the common bowl with a more delicate touch. This is the Fruit Loop Bowl $42 ..

Remember the TBS Conan commercials where he's sitting in a white chair that he can't seem to sit correctly in? It's called La Chaise $10,625 ..

I almost went to school for furniture design, so I love cool chairs like this. Then I just went to engineering school, so .. a little different. 

Lastly, take a look at this egg for your desk. It's magnetic, so the paperclips you stick to it will make a cool nest around it. Bonus points if you get the gold paper clips. Desk Egg $16 ..

Plus .. you can become a member on this site and get a 10% discount off of everything. 

                                                ~ Cici

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